Saturday, January 21, 2012

Like The Shining, but without all the scary parts

Good morning, Philly!
Like this, but less cool.
Fun fact: it snowed in Philadelphia. First snow of 2012! The windchill has been in the twenties all week, but the weather stayed clear until last night. I felt like such a nerd walking to school wearing my huge puffy coat and an overstuffed backpack. 

When I woke up this morning, my first thought was obviously "Hey! Let's trudge through the snow and go shopping in Rittenhouse Square!" (I had to run errands so I didn't really have a choice.) The streets and sidewalks were all relatively clear, but the slushy puddles on the street corners can be deceptively deep...

having a blast and a half

Afterwards I headed across the river to study at school. Penn's campus felt like a scene from The Shining, but without all the scary parts. The snow was mostly intact since there are no cars. And I can guarantee you I was not the only one taking pictures of everything like a total tourist. But now I'm tucked away in the library next to a huge window overlooking Walnut Street and pretending to study while in fact updating my blog. School is awesome.